#1 Manufacturing Blog - SYMESTIC

Shopfloor Management: A key element of efficient production

Written by Symestic | Dec 13, 2023 10:48:00 AM

Introduction to the topic of Shopfloor Management

This comprehensive article covers the following topics related to Shopfloor Management:

Shopfloor Management: Definition

Shopfloor Management refers to a method in the manufacturing industry in which operational production processes are systematically controlled and improved in order to increase efficiency, quality and flexibility. In today's economy, this concept plays a decisive role in the optimization of production processes and service procedures in order to increase the competitiveness of companies. It refers to the efficient control and improvement of processes in order to increase quality and minimize waste.


Shopfloor Management and the place of value creation

The term "shopfloor" extends beyond the physical production floor and refers to the area where services are provided. This emphasizes the applicability of the concept to different industries, and it plays a key role in improving the place where things happen, be it in production or in the provision of services. Here, lean management principles are central to minimizing waste and creating lean processes, which adds significant value to value creation. Managers who take the lead in this respect are crucial to success, as they establish the link between location and management, thus enabling precise control.


The basics of Shopfloor Management in companies

SFM covers a wide range of management tasks in production. It begins with the clear definition of processes and responsibilities. The management and leadership tasks are significantly influenced by elements of lean management. Lean management focuses on eliminating waste and creating lean processes. This is where SFA comes in by driving continuous improvement and waste elimination on the store floor.


Visual management in production

To make the concept more tangible, the visualization of processes and shopfloor management boards serves to present information and key figures transparently. This enables employees and managers to create clear guidelines and take measures for improvement.This shopfloor management board not only visualizes key figures and process information, but also offers the possibility of displaying target/actual states. This visual representation enables employees and managers to create clear guidelines and thus ensure a great deal of change. This method ensures a continuous improvement process.

Another focus is on the continuous improvement of processes, which is closely linked to the lean approach. This approach encourages employees to actively participate in problem-solving and promotes active involvement on the shop floor.The production floor becomes the central place where managers and employees work closely together to identify problems and find solutions. This continuous improvement process is a key component and helps to sustainably increase production efficiency.However, integrating the lean approach into production is a challenge. Close cooperation between managers and employees is essential to achieve the company's goals. This may require investment, training and change within the company.

To summarize, SFM in production is based on visual management, continuous improvement and close cooperation between managers and employees. This leads to a sustainable optimization of production processes and contributes to the achievement of the company's goals.


The role of managers and employees

The presence of the manager is crucial for promoting a continuous improvement process and structured problem solving in order to achieve the desired target status.

Involving employees in the continuous improvement process is crucial. This requires clear leadership that motivates employees to actively solve problems. Managers and employees work closely together to overcome challenges and increase efficiency in the implementation of corporate goals.


Continuous improvement

SFM is inextricably linked to the principle of continuous improvement. The continuous improvement process (CIP) is an essential component. It involves the systematic identification of problems and the development of solutions for sustainable and structured problem solving.


The importance of shopfloor management in service companies

Although the term "shopfloor" is traditionally associated with production, the concept of shopfloor management is also relevant in service companies. Here, the shopfloor refers to the area in which services are provided. The management of these processes is crucial in order to increase service quality and ensure customer satisfaction.


The future of shopfloor management

Its importance will continue to grow in the future. Companies are striving to optimize their processes and do everything they can to increase their competitiveness. As digitalization progresses, new methods and technologies are being developed to make shopfloor management even more effective. Lean culture and hoshin management are important concepts for achieving strategic goals. This sustainable and structured problem-solving is indispensable for management and employees.


Sustainability is another key aspect that needs to be considered in shopfloor management. Companies are under increasing pressure to produce more sustainably and reduce their environmental impact. SFM can help minimize resource waste and promote environmentally friendly practices.

Target management system

A key contribution lies in the introduction of a goal management system. This system helps to anchor the company's goals throughout the organization and ensure that they are achieved. The approach of this concept ensures that the implementation of corporate goals on the shopfloor is effective and efficient.


The role of key figures in shopfloor management

Key figures play an important and major role. They are not only used to monitor performance, but also to identify bottlenecks and potential for improvement. The number of key figures visualized can vary depending on the manufacturing or production area. They provide first-hand information and are crucial for controlling and managing processes.


Promotion of a lean culture at SFM

Promoting a lean culture is a crucial component. A lean culture is based on principles such as Kaizen (continuous improvement), 5S (sorting, cleaning standardization, systematization, self-discipline), and just-in-time production. These principles aim to minimize waste, increase efficiency and ensure continuous improvement in processes.


Shopfloor management in companies

German companies traditionally attach great importance to efficiency and quality management. SFM fits perfectly into this corporate culture, as it enables the control and improvement of production efficiency. It is a proven concept for optimizing production processes and meeting the requirements of German quality standards.

In practice, it has been shown that this approach can bring about significant improvements in production quality and efficiency. It enables companies to drive process improvement, identify bottlenecks and adapt production to customer needs. This leads to greater customer satisfaction and competitiveness.


SFM as the key to solving problems

It is not only geared towards optimizing existing processes, but also proactively tackling problems. Problem solving is an integral part of shopfloor management.

By identifying problems and developing solutions, production is continuously improved.


The visualization of processes

The visualization of processes plays a decisive role. Processes and key figures are visualized with the help of shopfloor management boards. This enables employees and managers to understand the processes at a glance and take immediate action.


Shopfloor management and the control of processes

Process control is another key aspect of shopfloor management. It refers to the ability to direct and adapt processes in a targeted manner in order to achieve the desired results. This requires precise control and monitoring of processes to ensure that they meet the company's objectives.


Challenges and solutions in shopfloor management

Problems of shopfloor management:

1. work overload and time pressure: High work pressure and limited time frames can cause stress among employees.

2. lack of management presence: A lack of managerial presence on the shopfloor can hinder collaboration.

3. experience and understanding of managers: Insufficient understanding of shopfloor management by managers can lead to misunderstandings and errors


1. time management and resource optimization: Effective time management and resource allocation to minimize work pressure.

2. presence of managers: Managers should be regularly present on the shopfloor to understand the needs of employees first-hand.

3. management training: Train managers to develop a deeper understanding of shopfloor management.

4. lean approach integration: Integrating the lean approach into the organization to minimize waste and promote efficient processes.



SFM is more than just a method, it is a modern management approach to identify problems at the point of action in order to optimize production and service processes. It enables the control and continuous improvement of processes at the point of value creation, requires clear leadership, the involvement of employees and the use of key figures for visual management and better process control.

It is a proven philosophy to promote continuous improvement and increase competitiveness. At a time when efficiency, sustainability, adherence to deadlines and quality are of central importance, shopfloor management plays a key role in production and service companies.

With its innovative Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) approach, SYMESTIC makes it possible to implement the foundations of a manufacturing platform for shopfloor management in just a few days, clearly setting itself apart from traditional providers. Getting started with digitalization is quick, easy and cost-effective using SaaS tools, so that all stakeholders can access trustworthy and objective data, analyses, notifications, etc. in no time at all. This means that benefits can be achieved quickly and efficiently as a team without long lead times and investments.

Take your shopfloor management and communication to a new level - get started today!