#1 Manufacturing Glossary - SYMESTIC

Finite Capacity Scheduling (FCS)

Written by Symestic | May 31, 2024 8:01:51 PM

Finite Capacity Scheduling (FCS) is a production planning technique that takes into account the limited capacity of resources. It helps companies to design their production plans realistically and avoid bottlenecks.

Capacity planning: Consideration of the maximum capacity of machines and labor.
Bottleneck management: Identification and management of bottlenecks in the production process.
Realistic planning: Creation of production plans that reflect actual capacity.


Increased efficiency: optimization of resource utilization.
Reliable delivery dates: Increase in planning accuracy and on-time delivery.
Cost reduction: Minimization of overload and idle time.

FCS is used in the manufacturing industry to make production processes more efficient and increase productivity.