#1 Manufacturing Glossary - SYMESTIC

Toyota Production System (TPS)

Written by Symestic | Jul 8, 2024 10:33:58 AM

What is the Toyota Production System (TPS)?

The Toyota Production System (TPS) is a production approach based on efficiency, quality and continuous improvement. TPS uses methods such as Just-in-Time (JIT) and Jidoka (automation with human intelligence) to optimize production processes.

Core principles of TPS:

Just-in-Time (JIT): production exactly as needed to minimize overproduction and inventory. Materials and products are delivered exactly when they are needed.
Jidoka: Automation with human intelligence. Machines stop automatically when problems occur, and employees are authorized to stop production to fix quality problems immediately.

Advantages of TPS:

Minimize waste: TPS identifies and eliminates waste in all production processes, including overproduction, waiting times, transportation, unnecessary inventory, unnecessary movements, production errors and unused employee potential.
Maximizing productivity: Productivity is increased through the efficient use of resources and the optimization of work processes.
Continuous improvement (Kaizen): TPS promotes a culture of continuous improvement where all employees contribute to the identification and implementation of improvement opportunities.
High product quality: By combining JIT and Jidoka, TPS ensures that only high-quality products that meet customer requirements are manufactured.
Flexibility: TPS enables flexible production that can respond quickly to market changes and customer requirements.

Conclusion: The Toyota Production System (TPS) is an effective approach to production optimization based on efficiency, quality and continuous improvement. By applying methods such as just-in-time and Jidoka, companies can minimize waste, maximize productivity and deliver high-quality products.